Give Thanks this Holiday Season | Why Giving Thanks is Important & How to Give Thanks
Give thanks. You’ve all heard it’s important to be grateful and we all have a lot to be grateful for, but WHY is it important?
Did you know that gratitude makes you a happier human?
At Oak Rising, we give thanks on a daily basis, not just at the holidays. We know that showing our gratitude helps us acknowledge the good going on around us, puts us in a better mood and did you know, studies show it slows down aging? That’s reason enough for us! Not only that, giving thanks has proven to destress a person when done on a regular basis. We are firm believers that you get what you give and giving thanks is easy.
Here are a few ways you can give thanks this holiday season (and every day):
- Keep a journal and write it down daily.
- Write letters or notes to those that matter most to you to show your gratitude.
- Help someone in need. Giving back to the community is an excellent way to show thanks, but it also allows for networking opportunities.
- Write down what you are thankful for on a sticky and pin it to your mirror.
- Have a thankful thread — email a small group of people daily what you are thankful for and have each person add to the list.
- It’s fall, use a pumpkin and write on it daily for the month.
- Give a small token of appreciation to someone you are thankful for.
- Do a happy dance. We all deserve to jump around a little.
Now go be a happier human and share with us what you are thankful for this holiday season.
Us? We are thankful for our family, health, football, and game night.
To learn more about Oak Rising, visit us online.